Your Aura Colors & Relationships – part one

Your Aura Colors & Relationships – part one

Your Aura Colors & Relationships

Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that radiates from you. Author and aura expert Pamala Oslie has discovered, through her ability to see the aura for the past 30 years, that your aura colors reveal important information about you – your personality, relationship styles, best career direction, health, how you deal with money, and more.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships, and what you can expect if you are in a relationship with each of them.

To discover your own personal aura colors take the free quiz at www.localhost/auracolors.

VIOLETS: Violets usually have strong, dynamic personalities. They are natural visionary leaders who often use their passion and vision to inspire others. They typically radiate a tremendous charisma and sexual chemistry. Violets need to live remarkable lives so they need partners who can soar with them – those who can encourage and motivate them to reach their highest potential. To feel fulfilled, Violets need companions who are their equals, inspirational partners who share their visions. If they marry people who are weak, fearful, resistant, or uninspiring, Violets can become bored, unfulfilled, and eventually emotionally disconnected. They must experience excitement, growth, expansion, inspiration, and passion in their relationships.

YELLOWS: The fun-loving Yellows need playmates. These big kids at heart need to laugh and enjoy life with their partner as their best friend. They love to make people happy, so they need partners who give them positive feedback, not constant criticism of their childlike and youthful behavior. If they get the impression that they are perpetually disappointing their partner, they will lose their natural enthusiasm and eventually give up trying to please their partner. They enjoy partners who are playful, happy, spontaneous, curious, optimistic, physically active and healthy, and content with the simple things in life.

BLUES: Blues are among the most nurturing and devoted partners. They live for love. One of their greatest joys and sources of fulfillment is knowing that they are in a loving, committed, and monogamous relationship. When Blues fall in love, there is nothing they will not do to keep their relationship together. What Blues need from their life partners are love, monogamy, loyalty, faithfulness, emotional connection, mutual trust, and long-term commitment. Blues are often highly emotional beings so they need partners who are compassionate, kind, and understanding. Emotional intimacy is much more important to Blues than physical intimacy. They desire a strong emotional and supportive bond with their partner and a harmonious, spiritual, and love-filled home – and for it all to last forever.

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